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Updated release schedule for Qt 4.7, Qt Creator 2.0 (and Qt Creator 2.1)

I'm publishing this on behalf of Henry Haverinen who is out of the office today. He will return tomorrow to address any comments.

Updated release schedule for Qt 4.7, Qt Creator 2.0 (and Qt Creator 2.1)

In the name of keeping everyone informed and minimizing unwanted surprises, here are some important updates relating to the Qt 4.7 and Qt Creator 2.0 release schedule.

We are working very hard on Qt 4.7 and it is going to be fantastic. As you know, the beta launched in early May. Around that same time Nokia released the Nokia Qt SDK beta, which was a great milestone for us.

The final releases of Qt 4.7, Qt Creator 2.0 and the Nokia Qt SDK have interrelationships, and our release schedule is based around this. You may have noticed that Qt 4.6.3 was released yesterday – this Qt release, along with the upcoming Qt Creator 2.0 will form the core of the upcoming Nokia Qt SDK 1.0 release.

Qt 4.7 and now Qt Creator 2.1 to bring Qt Quick

Qt Creator and the Qt framework each contribute their respective parts to the Qt Quick solution – QML and Qt Declarative in the Qt framework and the Qt Quick tools in Qt Creator. To make sure we´re able to deliver the mobile-specific new features in Qt Creator to the Nokia Qt SDK while also bringing the Qt Quick related features together with Qt 4.7, we´ve decided to:

  1. Accelerate the release of Qt Creator 2.0 and release it together with the Nokia Qt SDK, but without the Qt Quick components. As the Nokia Qt SDK 1.0 will not include Qt 4.7 and QML, the Qt Quick tooling components are not yet needed.
  2. Initiate a Qt Creator 2.1 release to bring Qt Quick components together with the Qt 4.7 release.

In essence, this means that the first release of Qt Quick features in Qt Creator will move from version 2.0 to 2.1. Snapshots of Qt Creator 2.1 will be enabled shortly after the release of the Nokia Qt SDK, so you can continue testing the Qt Quick tooling together with Qt 4.7.

Qt 4.7: Beta II, RC and Final Release

The next release after this will be Qt 4.7 moving from being a beta to a second beta – we have decided to add a second beta to the release cycle to ensure that the final Qt 4.7 release is of the best possible quality. Following the Qt 4.7 Beta II release, we will make release candidates of both Qt 4.7 and Qt Creator 2.1 available during the summer, with the final releases several weeks thereafter.

We´re looking forward to lots more great feedback on Qt 4.7 and Qt Creator 2.1.

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