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Save the Dates | Qt Developer Days 2013

We are happy to announce that the 10th annual Qt Developer Days, the premier Qt event of the year, is booked and confirmed this autumn in Berlin and Silicon Valley. Save the dates!

  • Berlin, Germany (Café Moskau and Umspannwerk Alexanderplatz): October 7-9
  • San Francisco, CA (The San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront): November 6-8

Just like in 2012, Digia will be a co-host together with KDAB and ICS for the Berlin and Silicon Valley events respectively. Qt Developer Days 2012 was a fantastic event where Qt got a mega boost from the very-well received keynote by Digia SVP, Tommi Laitinen and also from the hundreds of enthusiastic Qt fans on site. It was an amazing opportunity to hear from the Qt experts first hand, network with new and veteran Qt groupies and learn about the bright future ahead for the best cross-platform development framework.

Last year's event would not have been possible without the planning and execution by KDAB and ICS. They did an awesome job and brought the community together to give a positive signal that Qt was alive and kicking.

In case you missed last year's event or you are just feeling nostalgic, have a look at the following videos courtesy of KDAB and ICS.

Qt Developer Days 2012 Berlin


 Qt Developer Days 2012 North America

Now, as we are a quarter of the way through 2013, we are excited that this year will mark a decade of Qt Developer Days. Time flies while having fun. Mark your calendars and make all efforts possible to join us and the army of Qt developers that will gather at both events. These are the events to be at to hear from our Qt experts on the latest developments on Qt and upcoming ports, the roadmap, best practiceson fascinating features and functions and lastly the best places to be at to get your jabber on and network with the Qt community.

We will soon post a call for papers, so stay tuned! http://www.qtdeveloperdays.com.

Anybody been to all 9 developer days? Who is shooting for 10? See you there!

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