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QtMob: Qt mobile application development becomes easier

As a professional mobile application developer you probably already know by now how awesome Qt makes most of your daily job.

Yet, things like finding that useful (but undocumented) qmake option, deciding upon the application architecture to use for your next project, implementing native extensions on Android and iOS, checking whether a suitable library for your component already exists, might prove quite difficult if you are on your own.

The forums, IRC and mailing lists are great places to start from for one-shot questions, but sometimes you need a dedicated environment with peers where you can have a more focused and ongoing discussion about your daily matters. Here is where QtMob comes in.

QtMob is a global community of professional Qt mobile application developers that are willing to share their pains, knowledge and resources.

QtMob is a Slack chat, so that you can leverage all the goodies that modern-day, computer-mediated conversation has to offer.

It is a tool that you can open in the morning while sipping your coffee/tea, to likely find a bunch of fresh new mobile-related resources that someone just posted.

It sports a good mix of professional Qt mobile app developers, relatively fresh Qt users who love being on the cutting edge and sharing what they just discovered, Qt veterans who are looking for a smooth transition to newer topics like mobile and Quick, members of the QtCompany who want a direct channel with a group of mobile devs for feedback, as well as professionals from companies which have invested in Qt on mobile to provide middleware and services to application developers.

Members come from industries as diverse as game development, medical software, geographic informations systems, you name it. That's just as diverse as the Qt users spectrum.

QtMob is also a place for collaborations, where members get feedback about new packages and tools they are offering or plan to offer to the community (among others, Cutehacks' qpm package manager, Qt Champion Benlau's many utility libraries, Grecko's SortFilterProxyModel qml wrapper, Esri's ArcGIS SDK, VPlay's mobile SDK or just recruit consultants for their next project.

QtMob is the right place to start an in-depth discussion about strategies to prevent memory warnings on iOS, choosing the right push notifications component, talking about Qt and Redux, implementing CI, making .pro changes to support your build, or just shouting your frustation in the #bottomlesspit channel.

Here are a few first impressions from a community member, Sassan from Teheran:

"After joining this group I was able to ask questions, and there was always someone who responded quickly, either with the solution or the reason why it was not possible yet to achieve what I needed. A question may initiate discussions about the topic, and you’ll end up knowing much more than what you asked for, which is good because it will save you lots of time not doing the wrong things others have tried before. Your question may end up as a feature request on the Qt bugtracker.

After joining this group I was able to know about the latest technologies, packages, related softwares, etc around Qt. It’s really nice to know for example the time you spend to release your app can be reduced 5 times by using tools people discuss about here... and that’s just an example.

After joining this group I had the chance to know about the latest up-to-date documents (pdfs, videos, tutorials, etc.) people create about coding in Qt.

After joining this group I had the chance to meet so many nice people, many of whom spend part of their time to contribute to this open source project.

After joining this group I learned about best practices for doing things I already knew how to do, but which I can now do better."

We recently celebrated user #100 (while I write the count is 130), Jeff Galbraith from iMirror: a good example of using Qt for mobile in innovative settings like fitting rooms. But QtMob members use cases are just so many...

Come along and see, it's free!

The only requirement: be willing to give at least as much as you get, in whatever form is best suited to your level of experience and job constraints.


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