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Qt SDK 1.1 beta has been released

I am pleased to announce that the Qt SDK 1.1 beta has been launched. While the SDK may be a beta, Qt 4.7.2 and Qt Creator 2.1 releases within it are final, meaning we have a complete package of the Qt Quick offering. Qt Quick is our fantastic new tool for creating lightweight, dynamic UIs and apps.

As you hopefully have seen for yourself already, Qt Quick is a brilliant technology that lets developers and UI designers work together for fast, beautiful UIs and applications on any of Qt’s platforms. And as of now, all of its three main parts are at final release for the first time. So if you haven’t already, jump in and start using it!

As we first introduced in the technology preview, we have made a change in packaging. Based on your feedback we have decided to eliminate some confusion with our offering of SDKs – specifically your queries regarding the merits of having two separate SDKs.

This Qt SDK 1.1 beta is a precursor to a final ‘combined’ SDK that merges the previous desktop-focused Qt SDK and the mobile-focused Nokia Qt SDK. That package is the Qt SDK and this release is a beta of the upcoming version 1.1. We are carrying forward this one-SDK strategy.

What does the new, combined Qt SDK contain?

Going forward the Qt SDK will contain the Qt libraries, the Qt Creator IDE and the rest of the tooling you would expect, plus Symbian and MeeGo packages.

What if I am only targeting one platform?

You select the packages you need during the installation process. For instance if you are only interested in Symbian development, you don’t need to download or install the MeeGo packages. If you are looking to target desktop only, then install only that.

What is in this particular package?

This particular release includes the following packages:

  • Qt 4.7.2
  • Qt Creator 2.1
  • Mobility APIs (Qt Mobility 1.1.1)
  • Qt simulator
  • Symbian toolchain
  • Madde toolchain for N900

As usual we ask that those that test this new package please provide feedback and such. So download, enjoy and try.

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