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Qt Earth Team Mix Feb 2011

Hi all,

During the month of January, my team decided to start releasing our working Qt version to the public once a month. We set 25th of February 2011 as the first release date, and as a "release process" we decided that we were not going to produce packages or anything like that but we would simply tag our repository and announce it to the world.

Notice that this is officially not a Qt release, it is unsupported and it might not work at all. We do our best to make sure that the code we are tagging it is of acceptable quality, but it is still work in progress so if you find bugs, please let us know as soon as possible. You can use the bug reporting interface for that, just make sure that you mention in the description field that this bug happens in our earth team mix release.

Highlights of the February mix:

There are lots of bug fixes and small features, so just go ahead and download it!

You can get this release from http://qt.gitorious.org/+qt-developers/qt/staging/commits/earth-team/master

Our February mix corresponds to the commit 73c3fe016753ff4597646ba55a5325b5797d3f1f, so sync to that commit and have fun!

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