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Qt Creator 4.7 Beta released

We are happy to announce the release of Qt Creator 4.7 Beta!

C++ Support

The greatest improvements were again done for our Clang based C++ support. First of all we made the Clang code model the default for Qt Creator 4.7. That is quite a milestone after years of experimenting and developing, so Nikolai has wrapped up the history and current state in a separate blog post. I'll just summarize some of the most important changes in 4.7 here.

We did another upgrade of the backend to Clang 6.0, which was released this March. This brings all its improvements like new and fixed diagnostics to Qt Creator as well.

The outline pane and dropdown, the locator filter for symbols in the current document, and Follow Symbol inside the current translation unit (meaning current document and its includes) are now based on Clang too.

You can now perform the static checks from Clang-Tidy and Clazy on the whole project or a subset. This is implemented as a new analyzer tool in Debug mode (Analyzer > Clang-Tidy and Clazy). We also improved the settings, and fixed that the static checks had a performance impact on completion.

Note that you can opt-out of using Clang code model by manually disabling the ClangCodeModel plugin in Help > About Plugins (Qt Creator > About Plugins on macOS). That said, it is very important that we get as much feedback as possible at this stage, so please create bugreports for all issues that you find.

QML Support

The QML code model now includes minimal support for user defined enums, which is a new feature in Qt 5.10 and later. Additionally some reformatting errors have been fixed.

Test Integration

If your text cursor in the C++ editor is currently inside a test function, you can directly run that individual test with the new Run Test Under Cursor action. The test integration now also marks the location of failed tests in the editor. For Google Test we added support for filtering.

Other Improvements

The kit options got their own top-level entry in the preferences dialog, which is also the very first one in the list. In the file system view you can now create new folders. By default it now shows folders before files, but you can opt-out to the previous, purely alphabetic sorting by unchecking the option in the filter button menu. In the context menu on file items at various places, for example the projects tree, file system view and open documents list, there is a new item that opens a properties dialog, showing name, path, mime type, permissions and many more properties of the file.

There have been many more improvements and fixes. Please refer to our changes file for a more comprehensive list.

Get Qt Creator 4.7 Beta

The opensource version is available on the Qt download page, and you find commercially licensed packages on the Qt Account Portal. Qt Creator 4.7 Beta is also available under Preview > Qt Creator 4.7.0-beta1 in the online installer. Please post issues in our bug tracker. You can also find us on IRC on #qt-creator on chat.freenode.net, and on the Qt Creator mailing list.


Note on Wayland support: Even though stated differently in Johan's blog post, we explicitly disabled the Wayland platform plugin for Qt Creator 4.7 beta1. It broke too heavily in some setups. We will look into adding it again as an opt-in option after the beta.

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