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Qt Creator 2.2 RC released

Since the beta release four weeks ago we were getting all hands on finding and squishing all these bugs that start nesting in a piece of software between two releases. Oh, yeah, and spring has finally arrived here, giving us Berliners sunshine at 20 degrees celsius this week :). The beta release was already feature complete, so if you missed that one and are interested in what is new, the Qt Creator 2.2 beta release blog still gives a good overview. Most notable bug fixes since the beta were (from my view) the lots of fixes for Qt Creator's ABI detection, but there have been many more, not less important ones (e.g. for QML debugging, Qt Quick designer, Maemo development, and more).

If you are using the Qt SDK 1.1 release candidate (our all-in-one Qt development bundle) you might wonder when and how Qt Creator 2.2 will become part of it. The answer is that the Qt SDK 1.1 will release with Qt Creator 2.1, but a short time after the SDK and Qt Creator 2.2 are out, there will be an update for the Qt SDK, that upgrades Qt Creator to version 2.2.

Big thanks to all who gave the 2.2 beta a try and us a lot of feedback!

Get the Qt Creator 2.2 release candidate here!

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