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Qt Commercial SDK for Desktop and Embedded Development to be Released in December 2011

With the Qt Commercial 4.8.0 release around the corner, we would like to mention that we are also preparing a new SDK in order to get the complete Qt Commercial development environment via a single installer. The new SDK contains Qt Commercial libraries, Qt Creator IDE and other useful tools, which can be conveniently installed with either a standalone offline SDK installer, or a smaller online installer that fetches the needed parts from our server.


The Qt Commercial SDK provides an update functionality that allows the user to easily check if there are new components available, and install them. The online-update functionality also allows an easy way to fetch additional components when they are needed.


The target is to deliver the first version of the Qt Commercial SDK in December 2011. This first SDK will be based on Qt Commercial 4.8.0 and Qt Creator 2.4.0. The SDK installers are initially available for Windows, Mac and Linux. Qt Commercial 4.8.0 supports many more operating systems, and we are looking into adding some of these into the SDK later on. In the future, we also aim to include the Visual Studio Add-In into the Qt Commercial SDK.


The new SDK will also contain improved support for embedded Linux development by introducing a new embedded Linux target in the Qt Creator IDE, cross-compiler toolchain, example configuration for embedded Linux and ready-made images for deploying Qt Commercial on commonly available BeagleBoard-xM and PandaBoard development boards.


For all upcoming Qt Commercial 4.8.x versions, the SDK will be available as an additional way of getting Qt Commercial. We will continue to publish the source packages and binary installers just as before for those who prefer them over SDK delivery. We hope the availability of the new SDK will make it easier to develop with Qt Commercial, and to stay up to date with new versions.

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