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Qt Commercial by Digia Turns 1

Congratulations to Qt Commercial on its 1 year birthday! We are no longer newborns and have hustled through a very fruitful and exciting year. Our commitment to Qt has never been stronger and as we blast through our toddler, tweens and adulthood stages this year, we will continue to further develop Qt on desktop and embedded.

Thanks to the mothership, Nokia (Trolltech) for developing Qt and passing on the torch of Qt Commercial to Digia back in 2011. Our work together throughout this past year has furthered the use of Qt everywhere not only for leading companies using Qt as a strategic development framework, but also in the overall development community.

A big thanks to Digia for believing in Qt and giving us the resources and trust needed to extend the use of Qt - E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E.

Highlights of the past year:

For 2012, we are very much looking forward to working closely with the Qt Project. Our R&D team, together with the Qt community, is steady at work planning, developing and collecting feedback on ways to contribute and make Qt 5 the next big star. We will be detailing our involvement with the Qt Project and Qt 5 very soon in a blog post. Throughout the next few months, we will also detail our added features and functions to be released throughout 2012. Stay tuned.

The biggest thanks goes to our great global Qt Commercial sales, marketing, R&D, support and services teams. Go have some celebration cake!

Congrats again, Qt Commercial!

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