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Qt Cloud Services Introduces Real-Time Communication

I’m happy to announce a major upgrade of Qt Cloud Services. The upgrade expands the services to live experiences by introducing a new Managed Websocket Service now in public beta.

The first Qt Cloud Service, Enginio data storage, has been officially available since Qt 5.2 for all Qt developers. Since then, the progress has been amazing. There are several cloud applications built with Qt Cloud Services and new applications are launched every day. Qt Cloud Services really has brought new innovations and momentum to the Qt ecosystem. We have added a few success stories in our web site for you to see. Thanks to Ugmore, Octo3, Waplanner and RapidImages for sharing your success stories. By adding the Managed WebSocket Service, we are now lifting Qt Cloud Services to a new level. In addition, several improvements are visible in the dashboards, web site and documentation. You can find all these at qtcloudservices.com

What is Managed Websocket Service (MWS)?

Managed WebSocket is a fully-managed service implementing two-way, real-time communication gateway for WebSockets. It provides scalable APIs for any real-time chat, collaboration, notification, game or dashboard applications! Managed WebSocket provides connections between any clients or servers.

We have succeeded in designing the service to scale seamlessly along with your application needs. It provides virtually unlimited socket connections over redundant and reliable cloud platform.

You don’t need to worry about server backends, scalability or security issues. It’s all managed for you. We believe in that way you can better focus on things that really matter, like your business and applications.

How to get started?

Qt5.3 contains a new websocket module that is compatible with the Managed WebSocket Service. In  order to get started with your Qt application, please follow the getting started guides. You can also find a chat application demonstrating the functionality with the new websocket module. You can additionally make connections through REST API from any platform.

Managed WebSocket works, of course, together with the existing Enginio Data Storage for unified access control and policy. You can also configure Enginio web hooks to send notifications to the Managed WebSocket Service. This will enable clients to get notified in real time if there are any changes in Enginio data. This is very useful for connected applications that no longer need to poll if data is changed.

We are working on the managed WebSocket to add more documentation and examples. As always, any feedback is very much appreciated. See more at http://qtcloudservices.com/products/managed-websocket

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can always contact us via our support helpdesk or submit your question to the community forums. Thank you in advance.

Please note that all existing Enginio backends and Qt accounts are working normally without any interference.  The new Qt Cloud Services dashboard replaces the old Enginio dashboard and imports your enginio backends. It's better than ever before as you can now also add Managed WebSocket to your cloud under your active subscription.

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