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Qt 4.7 is here, so is Qt Developer Days

It is a great time to be out meeting companies using Qt; the vast majority see the potential of Qt and especially Qt Quick.

Let’s start with Qt 4.7: Congratulations to the community and to everyone on our Qt team that put in such a huge amount of work to make this launch happen. We are very proud of this major release. Let me touch on its importance.

Qt 4.7 provides the first pieces of technology to help developers using languages such as Javascript to benefit from Qt. It contains QML and Qt Declarative, the first building blocks in the upcoming Qt Quick solution (Qt User Interface Creation Kit).

Today’s launch, combined with the increased use of Qt in devices, is an important milestone in the journey to make Qt a preferred framework for a new wave of developers and companies in the coming year.

With Qt 4.7 we help Qt developers do a lot of the things they’ve been asking us for: go from concept to code quickly, cooperate more closely with UI designers in faster and easier iterations, resulting in smoother and richer UIs. All while still benefitting from performance improvements across the Qt framework, including in the Qt WebKit integration.
Qt 4.7 is available for download as part of the Qt SDK at get.qt.nokia.com.

Qt Quick: Already in Use
Let’s highlight some of the things people are already doing with Qt Quick – in its current state, without our Qt Creator IDE support - and let’s remember that we will continue to improve Qt Quick, as we continuously improve Qt.
• Digia - flow*d (location based services)
Mixd.tv (web TV client)
• Cybercom - Qt Quick evaluation (in vehichle infotainment)

Learn More about Qt 4.7 at Qt Developer Days
To provide a kick-start on Qt 4.7, Qt Quick and much more we have Qt Developer Days 2010 coming up in Munich on Oct 11-13th and in San Francisco on Nov 1-3rd.

Qt Developer Days is the event where our broad community of developers, who create everything from the tools behind Hollywood’s most amazing special effects to the interfaces on devices such as web TV’s, tablets, e-books, and upcoming in-vehicle infotainment systems in cars, meet up.

At Qt Developer Days this year, companies such as Asus, HP, Netflix, and Polycom will explain how they use Qt and why Qt is good for them.
Nokia CTO Rich Green will keynote both events, and we are proud that Nokia’s CTO will be part of our event. In addition, industry heavyweights including Intel, Orange, DreamWorks Animation and Telecom Italia are providing insights on how they use Qt to create better user experiences.

Qt Developer Days, with 50+ technical sessions delivered by our own Qt developers themselves is the best place for developers to become Qt experts. Time is running out to join up with us, so we urge all interested parties to head to http://qt.nokia.com/qtdevdays2010 to read more about the event and to sign up.

Next milestones
Now Qt 4.7 is ready for anyone to use! The next milestone will be to get Qt Quick ready. Then, in 2011, we aim to have Qt developed in a full Open Governance mode, with even more developers outside Nokia actively taking ownership of the future of Qt by contributing and benefitting from the latest improvements in Qt.

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