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One week to Qt Developer Days Munich!

Qt Developer Days 2011 is almost here

This time next week, the Dolce Munich will be buzzing with hundreds of developers, Qt Partners, customers and trolls. Yes, Qt Developer Days Munich 2011 is almost here!

In one week, five separate Qt training tracks will be underway, with Qt Partners KDAB, basysKom, e-Gits and Digia helping us deliver the highest quality training for Qt developers of every persuasion.

The welcome reception hosted by Platinum sponsor Digia will then round off the training day, and everyone in the Qt team is looking forward to spending some social time with the many of you who will be at the event.
At 0900 the next morning, the lights will hit the main stage for the event’s keynote sessions.

Nokia Senior Vice President of Developer Experience and Marketplace, Marco Argenti will welcome conference attendees with a keynote incorporating Qt’s strategic role at Nokia both now and in the future.

CNN Vice President of Mobile Louis Gump and Canonical Director of Engineering Rick Spencer will also keynote the Munich event, with Qt Director of R&D Lars Knoll rounding the session off with his insights about Qt 5, the Qt Project and more.

From there, attendees roll straight into the 50+ tech sessions, delivered by our Qt trolls and by Qt Partners. There is no booking or reserving places at these sessions – if you're at the event, just get yourself to the right room at the right time. Some of the sessions will be replayed late on day three, so if you miss out, there is a second chance in some cases. Explore the tech agenda

Qt In Use sessions kick off after lunch on day two, featuring success stories and best practice uses of Qt from the likes of Cisco, Futurice, AccuWeather, Pelagicore and Offscreen.

Day two turns social at 1830, with Happy Hour with the Qt team and then the famous Dinner with the Qt team hosted by Gold sponsor KDAB. We have some surprises up our sleeve for dinner this year, which we may or may not reveal before the event :)

A breakfast seminar from Digia about Qt Commercial will get day three underway, as well as the ever-popular (and important) Qt Licensing Explained session. This year licensing and legal experts from both Nokia and Digia will be on hand to talk about the choices, rights and obligations for developers using Qt under all of the licenses that are offered.

The exhibition at Qt Developer Days runs on all three days and features event sponsors and exhibitors, and the Qt Demo Pavilion. The Qt Demo Pavilion is our dedicated exhibition where Qt engineers, customers, partners and ambassadors all showcase their projects and demos spanning all key segments and major platforms. Attendees can meet and greet our Qt ecosystem partners and see a demo of their innovative products, services and developments.

There is lots of additional value at the event. Chief among this is the discount being offered on all Qt Certification exams – 50% off normal prices. Walk-up exam scheduling is being offered, but to ensure you don’t miss out, register now at the Qt Certification website

On-site technical support and troubleshooting for your Qt projects will be available, plus a free recharge lounge and much more.

For the first time ever, everyone at Qt Developer Days can carry the event around on their smartphone. Qt Certified Partner and event silver sponsor Futurice has created a cross platform Qt Developer Days smartphone app for attendees, including a web-version for other devices. More details on the app  (and how to get it) will be revealed soon.

It’s all happening one week from now, and we can’t wait. The t-shirts are printed (best Qt t-shirt ever IMHO) and we’re looking forward to seeing a sea of them wandering the corridors of Dolce in Munich next week.

If you aren’t joining us in Munich, you can get a taste of the event by watching the #QtDD11 hashtag on Twitter, and following this blog.

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