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New guides to help you develop with Qt Quick - faster!

We’ve been busy, and we hope you like what we’ve done!

You told us through surveys and direct feedback that the most valuable learning tools are those that give you practical hand-on experience – tutorials, examples, code samples. We’ve combined all of these and more into two brand new Qt Developer Guides just published at http://qt.nokia.com/learning/guides/. One of the guides helps you develop feature-rich applications for the desktop, and the other offers guidance on producing amazing apps for the 155 million+ Qt-enabled smartphones out there.

Both guides take you on a detailed step-by-step journey starting with a UI concept and progressing to a deployable application. They will give you a “training-course-experience” with the convenience of not leaving your own desktop.

1.       Programming with Qt Quick for Symbian^3 Devices
This guide will familiarize you with programming with QML using Qt Quick Components for Symbian. It will walk you through the development of a Todo List application for recording daily and upcoming list of tasks to be completed, sorting them into several categories and managing them. It covers various aspects of Qt Quick and especially Qt Quick Symbian Components programming such as the page navigation concept, database storage and the use of animation to edit, create or display details.

2.       Qt Quick Application Developer Guide for Desktop
This guide walks you through the implementation of a simple application called NoteApp inspired by the modern fluid UIs. NoteApp is a tool for managing daily notes which uses various advanced UI concepts including animations, database storage and Javascript usage for application logic rather than common well-known UI Elements used in desktop applications such as toolbars, menus and dialogs
The guides are available now in PDF, ePub and QtHelp formats.

If you like them, tell us so we can continue to produce more. If you want us to improve them, tell us how. Please give us feedback here:
-       Feedback on “Programming with Qt Quick for Symbian^3 Devices”
-       Feedback on “Qt Quick Application Developer Guide for Desktop”

We hope to see you in San Francisco next week!

The Qt Learning team

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