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New blog and new bugtracker

For those of you who don't read the new Qt blog website, where Qt Marketing and Product Management talk about "corporatey" stuff (affectionately called the "PHB blog" by our developers), we've just announced that our brand, new bugtracker is public: see http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com.

So, I won't repeat everything that is in the other blog (it is, after all, written by Marketing, so it should be better written than this thrown-together "reblogging"). I'd just like to highlight one important point that Adam made in his blog:

The Qt Bug Tracker isn´t simply a read-only view into the bug tracking system used by Qt developers, it is the bug tracking tracking system used by Qt developers.

The previous solution was an in-house system we had built over the years. It started as a distribution list for the Qt developers back in the day, then got an automatic tool to reply to the emails received and assign numbers, a robot to collect incoming emails and add to the database. Internally, we've had a rich-client to access that database and manipulate our own bugs. But communicating with the reporters was always very difficult.

This new tool is different. Everything is on the web. And you get to vote on issues, even watch if they change.

This is another step in our opening up of our development model. Enjoy!

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