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Munich and San Francisco code sprints

Developer Days isn’t the only thing happening in San Francisco this week – a crew of developers from all over the world have been working at our office in San Francisco at a special Qt code sprint organised by Knut and our community team.

The sprint follows a collaboration that was held in Munich where a team gathered to look at the opportunities for Ovi services and KDE, prior to Munich Developer Days last month.

In Munich, more than a dozen intrepid developers spent three days grappling with the question of how best to get Ovi services working on KDE, and which services would be most interesting for use in KDE applications.

The San Francisco hackfest focussed on MeeGo, specifically on easing and optimising the process of getting the Qt development environment up and running for MeeGo.

Knut (who was at both code sprints) reported that the output has been extremely positive and encouraging. In addition to the ideas and solutions that came out of the sessions, there was a great spirit and excitement among the developers.

Knut pointed to the example of Munich, where the developers worked beyond midnight one night, and were back coding the next morning at 9am.

The Munich and San Francisco gatherings follow sprints that took place in Oslo earlier in the year. Stay close to this blog, our twitter feed and Qt Developer Network to find out where we will be sprinting next.

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Thanks to our office managers for providing the office space for the Qt KDE sprint in Munich and the Qt MeeGo sprint in San Francisco.

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