

TeamCity, a Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment and Build Management server from JetBrains, supports any team through an array of features, plugins and integrations for delivering quality products faster.

TeamCity integrates with Squish Test Center to send test results from a TeamCity server to the Test Center platform. This functionality is possible using an easy-to-setup integration plugin.


The TeamCity for Test Center Plugin

The plugin works by taking results from a Build Artifact and uploading them to Test Center in an automated manner. Using a TeamCity Build Feature, you can add a Squish Test Center step to push the results to the platform. The Build Feature allows you to specify your project and batch name, set labels for the upload and send a result directory from Artifacts.

Once the TeamCity build completes, the Squish Test Center tab on the server’s Build Page, which appears when the plugin is installed, will display a link which will direct you to Test Center’s Explore page.

This plugin now makes possible the use of Test Center’s powerful result management and data analysis features within your established TeamCity CI/CD workflow.



More information can be found in our documentation.