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Hack for a cause at (H)Activate London

Qt developers who want to make a difference have been invited to apply for this year’s (H)Activate  cause-led hack at The Guardian newspaper’s Activate event in London.

Activate is a summit that brings together leaders from a range of sectors who want to use technology and the Internet to make the world a better place. This year an Activate summit was also held in New York for the first time.

The London edition of the Activate summit is on June 22, with the hack to be held on the previous weekend (June 18-19) at Kings Cross.

One of the projects from the hack will be presented at the conference, and there will be lots of other cool opportunities for participants - things such as device prizes or even further support to continue developing your project from the hack.

The rules for what sort of projects can be worked on at the hack are broad – almost anything goes as long as it can make a difference in people’s lives. Web and mobile are central themes to the summit, but all developers are encouraged to submit their idea. Applicants whose ideas fit the bill get the invites to the hack.

The hack is free, and food and beer will be on hand.

We would love to see Qt projects being worked on for a cause like this, so if you’re in London and you're up for it, state your case for attending the hackfest and apply for an invite at http://rewiredstate.org/events/hactivate-2011

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