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First Ten Mirrors Active for Qt Project Downloads

I am very pleased that we have already ten mirrors from three continents active for the new download service of the Qt Project, and more are on their way. With the new MirrorBrain based setup is it very easy to become a mirror for Qt - and even more importantly it is seamless for the user to benefit from the nearby mirrors.

We plan to use the new download.qt-project.org service starting from next week for the upcoming releases of Qt 5.0.2, Qt 5.1 Alpha and others. The old CDN service will be available as backup. When a release is made you can see it appear to qt-project.org/download page, so everything stays quite similar as before.

If needed, it is easy to see if the file you are planning to download has already been mirrored by viewing the details in conjunction of each file. The mirrors synchronize content with different schedule, so it takes a while for file to become available in all mirrors after it has been released. We are also looking into leveraging torrents as an additional way of downloading files.

For the commercial Qt licensees there are no changes, as the Customer Portal and distribution systems are separate from the open-source downloads.

I hope we continue to receive more mirrors for Qt Project in the coming weeks. If you are interested in mirroring Qt, see instructions how to become a mirror from the Qt Project wiki. Also, feel free to ask you local mirror providers to start mirroring Qt.


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