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Desktop and Mobile are in the DNA of Qt

Qt has a long and exciting history. Born in Norway, raised in Finland by two different parents, and finally grew up to be a global citizen. Our growth journey includes ups and downs, which have made us pivot and refocus along the way. In the beginning, the focus was on the desktop while Qt 2 brought Embedded into the limelight. Qt 4 was the first actual cross-platform framework, and Qt 5 initially focused on Mobile. After listing to Helsinki Stock markets, we have been growing independently and towards being truly the cross-platform framework that our founders envisioned from the start.

Desktop and Mobile have always been in our core's very essence
Even when Embedded device development has grown to be our largest customer segment, Desktop and Mobile have always been in our core's very essence. One of our main themes for the ongoing strategy period is strengthening the Desktop and Mobile offering even further. Strengthening means investments, including new, dedicated developers, and an overall emphasis on helping our desktop and mobile customers. In 2022, we will spend almost 25% of our R&D investments in Desktop and Mobile related features. Thus being one of the biggest development efforts in any of the Qt business lines in 2022.
Strengthening our Desktop and Mobile offering really took off during 2021. We separated Desktop and Mobile as its own business line to get enough attention for its unique needs. In 2021 we released support for Windows 11, macOS 11, Android 11, and iOS 13 targets. We fixed 622 Desktop and Mobile related bugs and released proper 3D particle system support and continuous support for Qt Widget-based desktop applications. We ensured a working development environment across an extensive array of platforms, released mesh morphing animations and instanced rendering as well as WebAssembly and multimedia in Qt 6. To mention a few topics on top of all the generic enhancements, we have done.
On top of the direct product investments, we are investing in our community. We have hired a new Community Manager to organize and manage our Community efforts. We have also hired a new Learning Manager to lift our eLearning to a whole new level. These are just the first steps to start showing the love that our community deserves and expects.
Qt is and will be a future-proof, truly cross-platform framework
All that being said, we continue investing in the Desktop and Mobile area to keep our offering compelling now and in the future. We'll bring new features, support the latest Desktop and Mobile target platforms, provide both native and branded look-and-feel and provide the long-term support for our stable APIs. Our customers can rely on to get the same support that they have used to with Qt offerings. Qt is and will be a future-proof, truly cross-platform framework.
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