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Charts 1.2.0 Released

The year 2012 is closing to the end and it’s time to release the next version (1.2.0) of the Charts Add-On for commercial Qt licensees.  As usual the package is available in the Customer Portal.

In the 1.2.0 release most of the new functionality is related to chart axis handling and handling of labels and titles. This release brings also official Qt 5 support for Widget based applications and QML applications by using Qt Quick 1 add-on module.  If you are new to Charts, please take a look at the Charts product page to get the basics what you can do with Charts.

Axis enhancements

In this release we have added the support for showing multiple axes and naturally the possibility to define the location of each axis. This comes especially handy in situations where you are presenting several different data sets in the same chart. We have also added support for logarithmic axis, which has often been requested.

Charts 1.2.0 axis examples Logarithmic Axis example and multiple axes with titles in Weather data example

Axis titles and legend markers API’s have been added so that naming the chart data in charts is easier than ever. Legend marker API enables modification of the content and look and feel of individual legend items. Legend items can be also made interactive so that you can hide/show data or highlight items in chart when clicking or hovering with mouse.

New Examples to highlight the Charts versatility

We have also received some questions related to showing additional items e.g. tooltips on top of charts when moving mouse or clicking data series. Also drawing dynamic data seems to be an area of constant interest. We added couple of new example applications to highlight how easy it is to implement this kind of functionality with the Charts.

Charts 1.2.0 new examples Callout example shows how to add additional data on top of line and spline series and Audio example draws line chart based on data from microphone input.

Full list of changes and new examples can be found from the README  file included in the source package.

Future directions

For the first half of next year we are planning two releases and the first one would be patch level release containing only minor modifications and bug fixes and the second one would contain more functionality (e.g. polar axis support). We are also doing planning for longer term future directions and especially in the area of 3D data visualization and as always we are interested in getting feedback and ideas where we should put our development focus.

Get the Charts now

Charts 1.2.0 release is now available in the Customer Portal as well as through the commercial SDK. It is released as a source package, which you can compile for either Qt 4.8 or 5.0. As always, the Charts are fully covered by our standard support. If you have any issues using them or want to share ideas for further development, just contact our support team through the Customer Portal.

Not a Qt Commercial Customer Yet?

You can test out the Charts 1.2.0 and the rest of the commercial Qt offering by downloading a 30-day free evaluation. Let us know what you think!


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